When Should I Start Brushing my Baby’s Teeth?

Brushing my Baby's Teeth

Taking care of our teeth from birth is important, and teaching our children good oral hygiene from the beginning can help them later on in life. Many parents wonder when it is a good idea to start brushing their baby’s teeth. Primary teeth are very important, and they help a child with speech and development. If a child loses their baby teeth too early from decay, the development of permanent teeth may be affected or come in crooked.

Why Is It a Good Idea to Brush Your Baby’s Teeth?

At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we help our young patients and parents learn good oral hygiene habits to practice at home. Regular visits to the dentist are recommended when your child turns one year old, or when their teeth begin to erupt. Brushing your baby’s teeth can start right when you see their first tooth pop up through the gums. We recommend using a finger brush, or clean washcloth to wipe their teeth and tongue clean after meals and at bedtime. This helps to keep their teeth and gums clean and free of bacteria or food.

Can I Use Toothpaste?

According to the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), they recommend using a rice size bit of cavity preventing toothpaste when your baby’s first teeth erupt. When they reach the age of 3 parents can increase the toothpaste to be the size of a pea. Gently massage the teeth and gums to remove any bacteria or food that may have lingered in those areas.

Visiting the dentist for your regular exams twice a month can help us get in front of any issues with your child’s teeth or mouth before they become serious. We can monitor their teeth for decay, and make sure their jaw is developing properly. Setting the stage in the beginning with good oral hygiene can really help teach your child how to care for their teeth in the future.

Our doctors and team have years of pediatric dentistry experience, and we welcome new pediatric patients to join our dental family. Our team is trained to work with children, and we always make sure they have a positive experience when they visit our office. At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to provide quality dental care you can trust.

Ready To Schedule Your Child’s Appointment?

If you are interested in scheduling your child’s regular dental exam with us, contact Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

How Long Does It Take for a Tooth Infection to Spread?

tooth infection

Infections can be serious, and it is always important for patients to know when to call their dentist. Infections should always be treated right away to avoid complications, or other issues from developing. If you have a toothache and throbbing pain that does not go away, the infection could spread to other places in the body. At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we are equipped to handle any dental emergency, and offer flexible hours to accommodate our patients.

What Are Symptoms of a Tooth Infection?

  • Throbbing pain that does not subside
  • Pain in your jaw, neck, or ear
  • Sensitivity when you place pressure on the area
  • Pain that gets worse when you are lying down
  • Swelling around the jaw or mouth
  • Tender lymph nodes
  • Bad breath or odd taste in the mouth
  • Fever

Knowing these signs can help treat an infection before it spreads and becomes more serious. Never hesitate to call your dentist when you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we put our patients’ health first, and provide exceptional care you can trust. Our team is trained to handle any emergency, and we will work to relieve your pain and keep you comfortable.

What Happens If the Infection Spreads?

There is little chance that a tooth infection will spread to other parts of the body. Patients that have any of the below symptoms should call our office right away. Infections that spread can be life threatening and should be taken seriously.

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Change in vision
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Confusion
  • Swelling around the face or mouth
  • Pain that does not subside

What Treatment Is Available?

The treatment provided will depend on the severity of the infection. If an abscess is present, we will identify the location of the abscess, and determine how far the infection has spread. Root canal treatment may be necessary to treat an abscess if it is located inside the tooth. If root canal therapy is not enough, our doctor can perform an apicoectomy to open up the gum area near the root, and remove the infected tissue.

Other treatments may involve prescribing antibiotics to treat the infection and stop it from spreading. Our team will monitor your progress on the antibiotics to ensure they are working. If necessary, the type of antibiotics used may need to be changed, and a hospital stay may be required.

Sepsis can occur when an infection spreads, and the immune system overreacts to an infection in your blood. If this is left untreated, sepsis can lead to septic shock which can cause organ failure, or even death. Patients that have sepsis will need to be hospitalized and given special intravenous treatment.

Treating an infection is extremely important to avoid complications like sepsis. We encourage you to contact our office if you experience any sign of an infection. Let our team help relieve your pain, and get you on the road to recovery.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you think you may have an infection, we encourage you to contact our office right away. To schedule your appointment, please contact Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

What Treatments Do Pediatric Dentists Provide?

pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentists take an additional two to three years of special training after finishing their dental requirements. These doctors treat infants and children through adolescence. It is important to seek out a pediatric dentist for your child by the age of one, or when their first teeth erupt. Visiting the dentist at a young age sets the stage for the future, and teaches your child how to practice good oral hygiene habits.

At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we welcome all of our pediatric patients to visit our office beforehand and take a tour. We want all of our patients to feel comfortable and relaxed when they visit the dentist for the first time. Our staff is trained to work with children, and we always strive to provide exceptional care.

Pediatric Services

Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry offers many pediatric services to keep your child’s teeth looking great. Visiting our office can help get in front of any issues, and allow us to track their development each time they visit.

Diagnosis and Exams

When your child visits our office, we will complete a thorough exam of their teeth and mouth. We look for things like overbites, underbites, or teeth grinding. Correcting these issues early on is important.

Oral Education

Our team is trained to help teach our pediatric patients how to take care of their teeth, and practice good oral hygiene habits at home. We work with the parents and give them tips on what products to use, as well as diet recommendations to keep their teeth healthy.

Dental Treatments

Preventative treatments are offered such as fluoride or sealants. We watch primary teeth closely, and make sure they do not become misaligned. We offer pulp therapy if your child has had any injury or oral trauma.

Other Services

Other services done in our office include fillings and teeth extraction. Pediatric dentists can fix a chipped or broken tooth, and can treat teeth for sensitivity. As your child grows, we will watch their teeth to see if any orthodontics are needed, and ensure their jaw is developing normally. If necessary, we can refer you to our preferred orthodontist.

What Can I Expect During My Child’s First Visit?

Visiting the dentist for the first time can be stressful, and we want your child’s first appointment to go well. When you contact our office for the first time, we always welcome our new patients, and offer you to tour the office prior to your first appointment. This helps the child feel comfortable when they return that day for their appointment.

During your child’s appointment we examine their teeth and take any x-rays needed. Our doctors will check for any developing cavities and recommend treatment if necessary. Our team provides a thorough exam of their teeth and jaws to check their development and to make sure we do not see any concerns.

Talking with the parents during the visit is important, and we always ask if there are any ongoing health issues with your child. This also gives the parents the ability to ask any questions or discuss any concerns they have about their child’s oral health. Our staff will also review oral hygiene habits at home to ensure your child is taking good care of their teeth. Positive reinforcement and encouragement are important at Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry. When your child is finished with their appointment, our staff will provide a prize at the end of their visit as an incentive for good behavior.

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?

If you are interested in a pediatric dentist, and are ready to schedule your child’s appointment, please contact Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, and our friendly staff will assist you. We look forward to your visit, and are excited to have you join our dental family.

What is the Correct Age to Take Away a Child’s Pacifier?


Pacifiers offer comfort and help to reduce stress in infants. Many parents wonder when it is appropriate to wean their child off the pacifier. If a pacifier is not taken away at a certain age it can cause serious issues with a child’s teeth, mouth, and jaw. At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we support our patients and parents and know weaning a child from the pacifier is hard. As much as the pacifier is needed in the early stages of life, it is just as important to take it away, so your child does not develop any issues in the future.

What Issues Can a Pacifier Cause?

The pacifier helps to soothe a child, and the sucking reflex is natural when they are born. The ideal time for a child to stop using a pacifier is between the ages of two and four. If a child continues to use their pacifier beyond this age range, they may develop jaw or bite complications.

Children who have used a pacifier tend to develop an over bite, and may have issues with their teeth erupting.  Orthodontics may be needed to correct difficult issues caused by pacifier sucking. As your child gets older, breaking their habit becomes more difficult. Early intervention is important to prevent more serious issues as they grow older.

When Is the Best Time To Wean My Child Off the Pacifier?

Each situation and child are different, and we recommend you do what is best for your child. The method used can be instant or gradual, and we can help by recommending behavior modifications to assist in the process. Timing is key, and parents should consider what the child has going on at the moment while weaning them off the pacifier. Finding new ways to comfort your child through the weaning process is important and giving incentives can help. Positive reinforcement works best and always avoid negative behavior during the process.

Interested in Finding Out More Information?

If you are interested in finding out more about pacifier weaning, or to schedule an appointment for your child, contact Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Can Fruit Juice Cause Tooth Decay?

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is thought of as a healthy way to give children the vitamins they need. Juice is packed with sugar and acids that can cause damage to your child’s teeth. Teaching a child good eating and drinking habits is important, so they do not expect to have juice all of the time. Choosing water over juice is best and saving juice for special occasions can help. At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we are always giving our patients advice regarding how to take care of their teeth and mouth at a young age. Our staff is trained to give recommendations on diet and what foods to avoid in order to keep your child’s teeth cavity free.

How Does Juice Damage Teeth?

Juice contains high levels of sugar, and when your child drinks the juice the bacteria in the mouth creates an acid. This acid is what attacks the tooth enamel and can cause tooth decay and cavities. Visiting our office regularly with your child is important. Our exam process takes a look at your child’s teeth to ensure we do not see any issues with decay or any developing cavities.

Even though the sugar in juice is natural, it can still cause damage that can lead to tooth decay. In addition to the sugar, juice also contains natural acids that can wear down the enamel on our teeth. Talking to your child about making good food and drink choices can help avoid tooth decay from juice or other sugar filled foods and drinks.

What Juice Is Best?

If you choose to have juice there are differences in the brands and nutritional value. Juice cocktails tend to not be 100% juice, and can contain additional sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup. Mixed juices can contain added sugars, so it is important to read the labels carefully. Many fruit punch type drinks are labeled as juice, but they have no nutritional value and are packed with added sugars.

Finding 100% fruit juice is the best choice, but these can also be unhealthy and contain just as much sugar as a glass of soda. Orange and grapefruit juices tend to have lower amounts of sugar. Choosing whole fruits instead of juice is always the best choice because whole fruit provides additional nutrition such as fiber and other vitamins.

Ready To Schedule Your Appointment With Us?

If you are interested in scheduling your child’s appointment, or have a concern about tooth decay, contact Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

Why Are Babies Advised to See a Dentist?

Pediatric Dentisty

Taking your baby to the dentist seems like it may be not necessary, but taking them is actually important. Most parents wonder what the correct age is to take their baby to the dentist. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends parents seek out a dentist for their child by the age of one years old, or when they notice the first tooth erupting.

On average primary teeth erupt around six months of age. In some cases parents feel their baby does not have enough teeth to warrant a visit to the dentist. Actually, visiting a dentist at this early age provides many benefits. Ensuring baby teeth are erupting properly is important, and allows the dentist to catch any issues early on.

Children should keep their primary teeth as long as they can until they are lost naturally. There are many benefits to keeping primary teeth relating to development in children.

Benefits of Primary Teeth

  • Help with speech development in children
  • Help to chew food properly
  • Primary teeth give children confidence about their appearance and promote a healthy smile.
  • Primary teeth save space for future teeth

Teaching Children to Care for Their Teeth

Taking your child to the dentist can establish proper dental hygiene habits at a young age, and teach your child how to care for their teeth. Our team can help explain how taking care of your teeth avoids cavities and other issues in the future. Establishing a good relationship with your dentist is important, and your child will be comfortable when visiting the dentist in the future.

Part of our initial visit process for children include a tour of our office and the highest level of care. We want your child to feel comfortable and at ease when they visit our office. Our team will take a look at your child’s teeth, and create a baseline of information that can be used as your child grows.

Our team will monitor the development of your child’s teeth, and ensure all the primary teeth are erupting properly. We care about your child’s health, and we always ensure each appointment is a positive experience for everyone.

Interested in Making an Appointment?

If you are interested in making an appointment our team is here to help. We encourage parents to set up an initial exam and let us handle everything. Your child is in good hands, and we go above and beyond to provide the highest level of care.

To schedule an exam for your child, please contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you!

Why are my Child’s Teeth Not Coming In?

Pediatric Dentistry

In most children teeth erupt normally and there are no issues. On the other hand there are cases when parents may notice their child’s teeth are not erupting at a normal rate, or not at all. If you notice your child’s teeth are not erupting properly it may be time to bring them in to see their dentist.

One of the many reasons it is important to establish a relationship with your child’s dentist at an early age is so we can keep an eye on their teeth, and get in front of any issues. Knowing ahead of time your child may have an issue can help prevent further complications. There are a few common reasons why teeth may not erupt properly in children.

Space Is Limited

In many cases children do not have enough space in their mouth for permanent teeth to erupt properly. Permanent teeth are larger and wider than baby teeth, and this can cause an issue if there is not enough space available.


Impaction is when a permanent tooth is unable to erupt on its own. Impacted teeth develop under the gums and can be caused by extra teeth, lack of space, or narrow jaws. If your child has impacted teeth we will refer you to an orthodontist for treatment. Orthodontic treatment is typically needed to help make the necessary space in the mouth. A simple procedure is done to uncover the impacted tooth under the gum, and gently pull the tooth into place.

Teeth Erupting the Wrong Way

A common issue children face is when their permanent teeth erupt in the wrong direction. This typically happens to either the upper canine teeth or the lower bicuspids. If your child’s teeth are erupting in the wrong direction you will be referred to an orthodontist to help move the teeth into the correct position.

Extra Teeth

Another common issue with tooth eruption in children is when they have too many teeth. This condition is called hyperdontia, and the extra teeth can block permanent teeth from erupting. To correct this issue we may recommend extracting the extra teeth that are causing an issue. For this condition, orthodontic treatment may be needed.

Medical Conditions

Medical conditions can affect if and how teeth erupt, as well as the development of the jaw. If development is affected by a medical condition, this can delay permanent teeth from erupting on time. Common medical conditions that may cause an issue are down’s syndrome, hypothyroidism, and rickets.

Ready To Visit Your Child’s Dentist?

If you feel your child has an issue with their teeth erupting please do not hesitate to schedule an appointment in our office. Our team is here to help, and the sooner we can take a look at your child’s teeth the quicker we can devise a treatment plan.

Your child’s health is our priority, and our team always strives to provide the very best care for all of our patients.

If you have a concern about your child’s teeth, and you would like to schedule an appointment please contact our office, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Do Pediatric Dentists Perform Surgery?

Pediatric Dentisty

A Pediatric dentist treats children from birth through adolescence. Pediatric dentists have skills to interact with infants and children, and this makes visits comfortable and easy for both the parent and child. Finding that perfect pediatric dentist is important, and helps to set the tone for good oral hygiene.

Pediatric dentists provide many procedures and treatments to help keep your child’s teeth and mouth developing properly and feeling great.

Common Pediatric Dentistry Services

  • Cleanings and exams
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Dental sealants
  • Deep cleaning
  • Fitting oral appliances such as mouthguards
  • Surgical procedures including tooth extractions, tooth implants, gum surgery and tissue grafts
  • Treatments to restore damaged teeth such as fillings, crowns, and root canals

What Surgeries Does a Pediatric Dentist Perform?

Pediatric dentists perform surgeries that include implants, tooth extractions, gum surgery, and tissue grafts. If your child has been recommended for oral surgery, and the surgery required is not a common surgery done by your pediatric dentist, they will refer you to an oral surgeon. Typically if the surgery involves impacted teeth higher in the gum line, or other areas that are not easy to reach an oral surgeon is required.

Pediatric dentists must complete three or more years of undergraduate education, as well as graduate with either a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). In addition, pediatric dentists must complete an additional 2-3 years of specialized training specifically for diagnosing and treating children.

Pediatric dentists should be seen when an infant gets his or her first tooth or no later than one year old. Attending regular exams and cleanings every six months sets the tone early on, and teaches children at a young age how to care for their teeth. How often your child needs to be seen depends on their dental needs and level of plaque buildup.

Practicing good oral hygiene habits at home and eating a healthy diet can help teach your child how to take great care of their teeth and mouth. Establishing a good relationship with your dentist is important, and gives your dental team the opportunity to monitor your child’s development and get in front of any issues.

Interested in Scheduling Your Child’s Exam?

If you are interested in scheduling your child’s dental exam and cleaning our team is here to help. We provide the highest level of service, and always make sure all of our patients are comfortable and relaxed. We want each appointment to be an exceptional one!

To schedule an appointment please contact our office, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!

How Do I Prepare My Child For Their First Dental Visit?

Process Of Drying The Dental Seal After Treatment Of The Patient's Tooth In Pediatric Dentistry. Little Girl In Dentist Office.

Planning your child’s first dental visit can be stressful. Many parents wonder when the perfect time is to bring their child in for their first exam. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists or AAPD recommends that children visit the dentist by the age of one, or when they first notice signs of teeth erupting. Typically, primary teeth do not erupt until about six months of age.

Parents tend to worry how their child will feel or behave at the dentist for the first time. There are many benefits to visiting the dentist starting at a young age, and with positive encouragement and our amazing staff we always ensure your child’s first visit and every visit after will go well. 

There are a few things we recommend to parents to help prepare their child to visit our office for the first time. We want all of our patients to feel calm and relaxed and enjoy their visit. Our staff is specially trained to work with children, and they are in good hands while in our care.

Helpful Ways to Prepare Your Child Before Their First Visit to Our Office

  • We welcome all new patients to schedule a tour of our office and meet our staff. This helps your child get to know where they are going, and when they arrive they will feel more comfortable because they have already been here for a visit.
  • Talk to your child about how important it is to see your dentist regularly. With positive attitude your child will feel excited and not afraid, and will enjoy visiting our office.
  • There are dental books and TV shows available that you can show your child so they can get an idea what a dental office looks like, and what we do during a dental exam and cleaning.
  • During your child’s appointment we recommend bringing in any comfort items such as a stuffed animal or blanket to make your child feel relaxed.
  • Our staff provides each child with a reward at the end of each visit so they have something to look forward to. Parents are welcome to plan for a reward as an incentive to help the child get through their first appointment.
  • It is important to talk to your child about how important dental hygiene is. Keeping our teeth and gums clean so we can have beautiful smiles can help teach them good oral hygiene habits at a young age.

Starting your child out right with proper dental care helps to set the stage for later in life and teaches children good oral hygiene. We look forward to establishing a good relationship with each of our pediatric patients, and our staff will help your child understand how important it is to take care of your teeth and visit our office regularly.

Our dental exams are thorough and we can check for any issues as your child grows older. We believe in preventative care to help keep your child’s teeth feeling and looking their best.

Are You Interested in Scheduling Your Child’s First Exam?

If you are interested in scheduling your child’s first dental exam we are here to help. Contact our office and our friendly staff can assist you!

Helping your child take charge of their oral health at a young age is important and our staff is here to support both our pediatric patients and their parents, and provide the highest level of dental care.

We look forward to meeting you and having your child join our dental family.

How Do I Know If I Have a Cavity?


Taking care of your oral and overall health must be a priority. Knowing when you need to call your dentist is important. Practicing good oral hygiene habits help to prevent tooth decay, cavities, and many other issues. Cavities are one of the most common issues patients face, and about 30 percent of Americans have untreated dental cavities. Leaving a cavity untreated can destroy your teeth leading to tooth loss, infection, and other more serious conditions.
It is helpful for patients to understand what a cavity is, and also know what symptoms to look out for if you think you may have a cavity.

What is a Cavity?

A cavity is when bacteria or food build up and form plaque on your teeth. The bacteria eat away at the enamel on your teeth and cause decay. Good oral hygiene habits are so important, and brushing and flossing can help you get rid of the plaque build up to prevent cavities from developing. Once the cavity is formed there is a small hole in your tooth, and if left untreated the cavity can destroy your tooth or develop an infection.

What Are the Signs of a Cavity?

There are signs you can look out for that may indicate you have a cavity. If you experience any of these signs we encourage you to contact our office, and our staff will get you in as soon as possible. Our team always works to keep our patient’s teeth and mouth healthy and pain free.

• Sensitivity to hot and cold that lingers and does not go away
• Sensitivity to sweet foods or drinks
• A toothache that is on or around one or more teeth
• Pain when you bite down or pain during eating
• Discoloration, white spots, or staining on a tooth
• A small hole or mark on your tooth

Need to Contact Our Office?

Knowing these signs can help you decide if you need to contact a dentist. We always tell patients to never hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are here to help, and a cavity should never be left untreated.
If you think you may have a cavity and need to schedule an appointment, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!