Did You Know There Are Many Types of Dental Floss? Find the Right One for You!

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene, brushing your teeth is only part of the equation. Dental floss plays a crucial role in removing plaque and food particles from between your teeth and along the gumline, where your toothbrush cannot reach. 

However, did you know that there are various types of dental floss available? Understanding the different options can help you find the one that best suits your needs and ensures optimal oral health. Join us as we explore the world of dental floss at Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry!

Types of dental floss and their specificities

1. Nylon Floss: The Classic Choice

Nylon floss, also known as multifilament floss, is the most common and widely used type of dental floss. It consists of multiple strands of nylon, making it strong and resistant to shredding. Nylon floss comes in both waxed and unwaxed varieties, providing options for different preferences. The waxed version slides more easily between teeth, while the unwaxed option offers a firmer grip. Nylon floss is an excellent choice for most people and is available in different thicknesses, such as regular and extra-thin, to accommodate various tooth and gum sensitivities.

2. PTFE Floss: Glide Smoothly

PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) floss, often referred to as “Glide” floss, is a monofilament floss made of a single strand of PTFE material. This type of floss is incredibly smooth, gliding effortlessly between teeth. PTFE floss is resistant to shredding, making it a great option for those with tight spaces between their teeth or dental work such as dental bridges or braces. It is also available in both waxed and unwaxed versions.

3. Dental Tape: Wide and Gentle

Dental tape is a broader and flatter type of floss compared to traditional nylon floss. It is made of either nylon or PTFE material and provides a wider surface area for cleaning between teeth. Dental tape is an excellent choice for people with larger gaps between their teeth or those who find traditional floss uncomfortable or too tight. The flat design of dental tape makes it gentler on the gums, reducing the risk of irritation.

4. Super Floss: Specialized Cleaning

Super floss is a unique type of floss designed to cater to specific dental needs. It combines different components in a single strand of floss. Super floss typically consists of a stiff end, a spongy or threader section, and a regular floss section. The stiff end helps thread the floss under dental appliances like bridges or orthodontic wires, while the spongy or threader section effectively cleans around dental implants or under braces. The regular floss section completes the cleaning process by removing plaque and debris from between the teeth.

5. Water Flosser: An Alternative Approach

In addition to traditional floss, water flossers have gained popularity as an alternative method for cleaning between teeth and along the gumline. A water flosser uses a steady stream of water to remove plaque and debris, offering a gentle and effective way to improve oral hygiene. Water flossers are particularly beneficial for people with orthodontic appliances, implants, or sensitive gums. They can be an excellent addition to your oral care routine, complementing the use of traditional floss.

Choosing the Right Floss for You

With the wide variety of dental floss options available, selecting the right one may seem overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you make an informed decision:

1. Consider your specific dental needs: Do you have tight spaces between your teeth, dental work, or orthodontic appliances? Understanding your unique circumstances will  help determine which type of floss is most suitable for you.

2. Seek professional guidance: Consult with your dentist or dental hygienist during your regular check-ups. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your oral health and address any concerns or questions you may have about flossing techniques and products.

3. Experiment and find your preference: It’s okay to try different types of floss to determine what feels most comfortable and effective for you. You may prefer the smooth glide of PTFE floss or the wider coverage of dental tape. Find what works best and motivates you to maintain a consistent flossing routine.

Still have questions about flossing?

At Upbeat Pediatric Dentistry, we believe that maintaining good oral hygiene habits is essential for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Our team of dental professionals is here to guide and support you in making informed decisions about your oral care routine, including choosing the right dental floss. 
Schedule an appointment with us today to learn more about proper flossing techniques, personalized oral hygiene recommendations, and comprehensive dental care for your child. Remember, a healthy smile starts with proper oral hygiene, and dental floss is an important tool in your arsenal!

Should I Brush or Floss First?

brush or floss

Creating an oral hygiene routine at home is important to help maintain your oral health and keep your teeth and gums feeling great. Brushing and flossing each day is extremely important, and the order in which you do these two items is a common question. Many wonder which way gives the most benefit.

Is Brushing First Better?

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is a key part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Brushing cleans your teeth and removes plaque, as well as prevents cavities from developing. Brushing is not the only thing you need to do to keep your oral hygiene in check. Flossing is another integral part of oral hygiene. The order in which you do these two items is a popular discussion.

Brushing does allow the toothpaste with fluoride to get in-between the teeth and help lift residual plaque when you floss after brushing. Studies show that flossing first is better, and is a more efficient way to keep up with your oral health. Flossing last also leaves particles in your mouth if you do not remember to rinse afterwards.

What About Flossing First?

Flossing first has many benefits, and recent studies now recommend that you should floss first before you brush. Flossing first helps to loosen that plaque buildup, as well as increase fluoride concentration between your teeth. When you brush after flossing the brushing then helps to remove those particles that are released from flossing. This helps to reduce plaque in your mouth, and lowers your risk of developing gum disease. Brushing after you floss helps the toothpaste to really do its job to protect your teeth from decay.

What About Flossing First?

Flossing first has many benefits, and recent studies now recommend that you should floss first before you brush. Flossing first helps to loosen that plaque buildup, as well as increase fluoride concentration between your teeth. When you brush after flossing the brushing then helps to remove those particles that are released from flossing. This helps to reduce plaque in your mouth, and lowers your risk of developing gum disease. Brushing after you floss helps the toothpaste to really do its job to protect your teeth from decay.

Benefits of Flossing and Brushing

  • Prevents gum disease that is caused by poor dental hygiene or not brushing and flossing properly. Routine dental cleanings in our office are important and we recommend dental cleanings at least twice a year.
  • Removes plaque that is the leading cause of gum disease. If you floss and brush your teeth regularly plaque does not have the chance to harden on your teeth.
  • Prevents decay and costly dental procedures. If you take care of your oral health you can avoid serious complications or dental procedures in the future.

Overall, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy by practicing good oral hygiene habits. Cavities and gum disease are preventable, and remembering to floss and brush each day will help keep your mouth feeling great. Visiting our office regularly for your cleaning and exam is another way to stay on top of your oral health.

During your dental exam our team will discuss any hygiene recommendations, and review how to keep up with your oral hygiene care at home. Taking care of your oral health is important, and your health is our priority.

If you are interested in finding out more about how to improve your oral hygiene routine at home, or to schedule your next dental exam, contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you.

How Exactly Does Fluoride Help Teeth?

Dental Cleaning

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in the earth and in nature. Water supplies and some foods also contain fluoride. Many community’s drinking water contains fluoride, and this helps to strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Studies have shown that people that use fluoride have less tooth decay.

How Does Fluoride Work?

Bacteria cause demineralization and this is when bacteria feeds on sugar and produces acidic saliva. This acid weakens tooth enamel. Fluoride helps to control and protect damage from demineralization. This helps keep our teeth looking and feeling healthy. Fluoride also helps to replenish the calcium that help make our teeth hard. This prevents tooth decay and tooth sensitivity.

If Fluoride Safe?

If used properly fluoride is safe and does not cause any harm. If you are using fluoride toothpaste it is important to ensure children do not swallow the toothpaste. Swallowing toothpaste may cause an issue because most toothpaste brands contain fluoride. Overall fluoride is a great way to protect your teeth from decay, and does not pose any risk to your health.

What Type of Fluoride Treatments Are Available?

There are a few different types of fluoride treatments available to patients. Topical fluoride products are applied directly to the teeth. This can be done in our office and takes only a few minutes to complete. Typically fluoride treatments are inexpensive and most insurance plans cover this treatment. The topical treatment contains a higher level of fluoride and can only be applied by a professional. Fluoride is also in our toothpaste and mouth washes. Using a toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride can help give you the protection you need from decay that can lead to cavities.

Looking To Find Out More About Fluoride Treatment?

If you are looking to find out more information about fluoride treatments and how they can benefit you, please contact our office. Our team is here to help, and your oral health is our priority. Preventative care is a way to keep your teeth and mouth looking and feeling healthy.

We offer flexible hours, and do our best to see patients as soon as possible. To schedule your next exam contact our office, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

Are There any Differences Between Mouth Washes?

oral health

Mouthwash is used to help rinse away bacteria or food particles after you brush and floss each day. Using mouthwash is an additional way to help protect your teeth and gums. Knowing the differences between mouthwashes can help you choose the right one to incorporate into your oral hygiene routine.

What Are The Different Types of Mouthwashes Available?

Mouthwash With Fluoride

Fluoride mouthwash contain sodium fluoride, and this helps to protect your teeth from decay and cavities. Fluoride is also found in toothpaste and is added to our tap water. Only using the required amount each day is important because too much fluoride can be harmful to your health. Reading the labels can help to ensure you are only using the appropriate amount that is recommended daily.

Antiseptic Mouthwash

Antiseptic mouthwash is the most common mouthwash used by most patients. This type of mouthwash contains alcohol and can help to stop bacteria in its tracks. Using an antiseptic mouthwash can help fight bad breath, and prevent infections. Patients must be careful using this type of mouthwash. Overuse can lead to stains or discoloration on your teeth. Following the recommended daily guidelines is important to keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

Cosmetic Mouthwash

This type of mouthwash is used to only freshen your breath. Cosmetic mouthwash does not do anything to help with your oral health. Using this type of mouthwash can help rinse food particles away, and is a temporary solution for bad breath.

Natural Mouthwash

Natural mouthwash is a common type of mouthwash that helps keep bacteria away and freshens your breath, but contains only natural ingredients. Natural mouthwash brands do not contain alcohol, and the ingredients are safer compared to other types of mouthwashes available.

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

Interested in Finding Out More?

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

If you are interested in finding out more about what mouthwash may be best for you, or to schedule your next exam, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

How Can I Reduce My Costs for Dental Care?

family dentistry

Dental care can be costly, and simple procedures can even run up your bill. Caring for your teeth is necessary to keep your oral and general health in check. Many people have no dental benefits at all, or if they retire their benefits are lost.

Skipping dental care is not an option, and can lead to other more serious health issues such as diabetes, or heart conditions. There are ways you can reduce your dental care costs, and help pay for those costly procedures that are necessary to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Ask Your Dentist if They Offer an In-House Membership Plan

Many dental practices today offer their own dental membership for patients. These plans act like an insurance plan, and give patients discounts on procedures that are done in their office. If a patient does not have insurance it is wise to inquire about an in-house plan to help keep costs down.

Sign Up for a Dental Plan Through Your Employer

Many companies offer both medical and dental insurance plans. Most plans pay for at least half of the cost, and preventative services are typically covered 100 percent. Routine procedures are usually covered around 80 percent, and larger more involved procedures such as crowns are usually covered at 50 percent. Using in-network providers can help you save money, and allow you to get the dental work you need.

Dental Savings Plan

Dental savings plans are available to participants who pay a fee to join. The fee is typically annual, and allows you to choose from a network of dentists that offer discounts for members. Dental savings plans allow patients to get the work done that they need at a discounted price without insurance.

Affordable Care Act

Patients can apply for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Logging on to their website can let you know if you qualify to purchase dental coverage.

Dental HMO Plan

A dental HMO plan may be available in your state. Typically cleanings and exams twice a year are covered, and procedures are at a discount. Many dentists participate and accept HMO plans, and this is a good way to help save on dental care.

Veterans Benefits

If you are a veteran you qualify to receive insurance at a reduced rate. Disabled veterans are also eligible for free dental care through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Do Your Research

If you are required to have a costly procedure, research the average price of that procedure. Ask your dentist for a discount, and most likely they will work with you, and help find a price and payment plan that fits your needs.

Create an Emergency Dental Fund

Setting aside money each month for dental care can help cover procedures or emergencies that are unpredictable.  Knowing you have a savings account will put you at ease if an emergency arises and you need dental care.

Looking for an Affordable Dentist Near You?

Taking care of your oral health is a great way to prevent costly dental procedures. Brushing and flossing each day, and staying away from foods and drinks that contain sugar can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Visiting our office regularly for exams and cleanings is extremely important to maintain your oral health. Regular visits allow our team to get in front of issues before they become urgent, and we can help you keep your teeth and mouth looking and feeling great.

We care about our patients, and our team is here to help take care of your oral health. Ask our team if you have questions on coverage or payment plans, and we will work with you to ensure you can receive the very best care.

To find out more about dental programs we offer, or to schedule your next dental exam, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.