Why Are Babies Advised to See a Dentist?

Pediatric Dentisty

Taking your baby to the dentist seems like it may be not necessary, but taking them is actually important. Most parents wonder what the correct age is to take their baby to the dentist. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends parents seek out a dentist for their child by the age of one years old, or when they notice the first tooth erupting.

On average primary teeth erupt around six months of age. In some cases parents feel their baby does not have enough teeth to warrant a visit to the dentist. Actually, visiting a dentist at this early age provides many benefits. Ensuring baby teeth are erupting properly is important, and allows the dentist to catch any issues early on.

Children should keep their primary teeth as long as they can until they are lost naturally. There are many benefits to keeping primary teeth relating to development in children.

Benefits of Primary Teeth

  • Help with speech development in children
  • Help to chew food properly
  • Primary teeth give children confidence about their appearance and promote a healthy smile.
  • Primary teeth save space for future teeth

Teaching Children to Care for Their Teeth

Taking your child to the dentist can establish proper dental hygiene habits at a young age, and teach your child how to care for their teeth. Our team can help explain how taking care of your teeth avoids cavities and other issues in the future. Establishing a good relationship with your dentist is important, and your child will be comfortable when visiting the dentist in the future.

Part of our initial visit process for children include a tour of our office and the highest level of care. We want your child to feel comfortable and at ease when they visit our office. Our team will take a look at your child’s teeth, and create a baseline of information that can be used as your child grows.

Our team will monitor the development of your child’s teeth, and ensure all the primary teeth are erupting properly. We care about your child’s health, and we always ensure each appointment is a positive experience for everyone.

Interested in Making an Appointment?

If you are interested in making an appointment our team is here to help. We encourage parents to set up an initial exam and let us handle everything. Your child is in good hands, and we go above and beyond to provide the highest level of care.

To schedule an exam for your child, please contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you!

How Exactly Does Fluoride Help Teeth?

Dental Cleaning

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in the earth and in nature. Water supplies and some foods also contain fluoride. Many community’s drinking water contains fluoride, and this helps to strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Studies have shown that people that use fluoride have less tooth decay.

How Does Fluoride Work?

Bacteria cause demineralization and this is when bacteria feeds on sugar and produces acidic saliva. This acid weakens tooth enamel. Fluoride helps to control and protect damage from demineralization. This helps keep our teeth looking and feeling healthy. Fluoride also helps to replenish the calcium that help make our teeth hard. This prevents tooth decay and tooth sensitivity.

If Fluoride Safe?

If used properly fluoride is safe and does not cause any harm. If you are using fluoride toothpaste it is important to ensure children do not swallow the toothpaste. Swallowing toothpaste may cause an issue because most toothpaste brands contain fluoride. Overall fluoride is a great way to protect your teeth from decay, and does not pose any risk to your health.

What Type of Fluoride Treatments Are Available?

There are a few different types of fluoride treatments available to patients. Topical fluoride products are applied directly to the teeth. This can be done in our office and takes only a few minutes to complete. Typically fluoride treatments are inexpensive and most insurance plans cover this treatment. The topical treatment contains a higher level of fluoride and can only be applied by a professional. Fluoride is also in our toothpaste and mouth washes. Using a toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride can help give you the protection you need from decay that can lead to cavities.

Looking To Find Out More About Fluoride Treatment?

If you are looking to find out more information about fluoride treatments and how they can benefit you, please contact our office. Our team is here to help, and your oral health is our priority. Preventative care is a way to keep your teeth and mouth looking and feeling healthy.

We offer flexible hours, and do our best to see patients as soon as possible. To schedule your next exam contact our office, and our staff will be happy to assist you.